Influencer Spotlight: Milly Bannister


Name: Milly Bannister (@_MillyBannister)

Where are you from?: Brisbane, Australia, but currently living in San Jose, California.

What is your Instagram/blog page all about?: Lifestyle and travel abroad, from the perspective of a highly unqualified twenty-something journalist / cool-girl doing it all solo.

Where do you get inspiration from?: I get inspo from other creatives who are either my friends or people I really want to be friends with. When someone publishes something really cool, I understand what goes into it; it's not only the hours that go into creating content, but you have to be brave, tenacious, open to criticism and confident in your work. I know how hard that is.


What has been your favorite campaign with Obviously and why?: My favourite campaign with Obviously is definitely the Google Home x Stranger Things project. It's my favourite TV show and I was so excited to work with Google on the release of Season 2 and Google Home mini.

If you could list 3 of your favorite Instagram pages, who are they and why?: @TashOakley because she is beautiful, smart, Australian and living my dream, @TaylorCutFilms because his work is surrealist and magical and he is incredibly talented and finally, @OfLeatherAndLace because she is not only a friend of mine, but a super creative soul with the best eye for design.

What is your favorite place you've traveled?: Hawaii!!! I love hiking / going to the beach, and it reminds me of home.

Your favorite place(s) to take photos?: New York City, duh. It gives me Sex in the City vibes, so cosmopolitan and breathtaking.

Favorite social media platform and why?: Instagram because it's a micro version of my blog. I can post my favourite images, post a substantial caption and interact with people. I also am loving the Story feature because it allows my followers to reach another level of my personality, which is really important to me.

What sets your feed apart from others?: I try to capture moments in time and provide raw, honest captions. I want people to see me as someone they would want to be friends with. I am relatable and sometimes I'm funny too.

Top 3 apps on your iPhone?: Spotify, Uber, Facebook Messenger

Social media trend you’d like to see less of and why?: Influencers contriving their entire presence, let's get reaaal, people look up to you. Also, Facebook poking.

Favorite inspirational quote and why?: Everything happens for a reason. Everything will be okay in the end, and if it's not okay, it's not the end.

Where can we find you on social media?: Instagram: @_MillyBannister & Website:
